Management and Recovering new raw materials from waste

Since 1981, recovery new raw materials from waste in Italy and Europe, managing the complete cycle whilst fully respecting the environment

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Who are we?

Since then the growth path has continued and to date has been unstoppable.

The Company is firmly rooted in the local area in which it operates and works constantly for its improvement. In fact it uses the best technologies available to reduce the environmental impact and contain consumption of energy and water sources used in relation to the quantities of waste treated.

By continually revamping plant facilities, RMB ensures a constant improvement in the quality of its products marketed throughout the world.

“We have been recovering new raw materials from waste since 1981 managing the complete cycle whilst fully respecting the environment. Today we can rightfully claim to be one of the main multi-functional platforms in Europe for treating and recovering special hazardous and non-hazardous waste. The Environmental Integrated Authorisation for 680,000 Tonnes was granted in 2022.”

The origins of RMB are history: a family history that takes us back to the manual sorting of metallic waste carried out on the doorstep and stored in the yard.


hi-tech plants that can separate the different metallic fractions (ferrous and

non-ferrous) contained inside incoming waste.


recovery and recycling of waste, notably metals:

core business of RMB more than 30 years


RMB is registered in the White List as a virtuous company thanks to the Integrated System for Quality, the Code of Ethics, the adoption of the model of organization, management and control of D.L. 231/2001.

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