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- UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015, this regulation sets the requirements of the environmental management system to keep under control the environmental impact of their activities and for systematic research of sustainable improvement of these activities.
- UNI EN ISO 18001:2007, this regulation sets the requirements of the company management system for health and safety in the workplace.
- DNV Regulation certificate (EU) 333/2011 and EU Regulation 715/2013: this regulation sets the criteria according to which some types of metal waste cease to be considered waste pursuant to directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and Council.

RMB is enrolled in the categories 8 and 9 of the Italian Register of Environmental Operators Albo Gestori Ambientali , and has SOA certification from certifying body Soa Laghi SpA.

Full environmental compatibility and the utmost safety at RMB have made it possible to achieve the highest levels of certification for the industry.

The plant is certified with an integrated system by the DNV international certification body for the following categories:
- UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015, this regulation sets the requirements of the company management system for quality, devised to manage company processes in order to improve efficiency and effectiveness of the organisation and customer satisfaction.

Certificazione Reg. (UE) 715/2013
Certificazione Reg. (UE) 333/2011
9001 Certification - Quality
ISO 14001 Certification - Environment
ISO 45001 Certification - Health and Safety
SA8000 Certification - CSR
SOA Certification

hi-tech plants that can separate the different metallic fractions (ferrous and

non-ferrous) contained inside incoming waste.


recovery and recycling of waste, notably metals:

core business of RMB more than 30 years


RMB is registered in the White List as a virtuous company thanks to the Integrated System for Quality, the Code of Ethics, the adoption of the model of organization, management and control of D.L. 231/2001.

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