Stainable development: to safeguard natural resources, protect the environment, avoid risk to global stability: “think global and act local.”
That’s why R.M.B. has concentrated on “local action” over the years, focusing on recovery of waste materials from its specific sector and standing out from traditional waste management systems by increasing the integration of its business with an involvement in safeguarding the environment and citizens on its territory.
The organization of operating structures and the quest for cutting-edge processes has allowed us to achieve excellent environmental and operating efficiency, with tangible and verifiable results.
RMB’s sustainable development policy reconciles increasingly high levels of environmental performance with being competitive on the market. All the company’s staff work to honour the following core values:
- professionalism, fairness and transparency towards all customers and suppliers, as well as an open dialogue with local bodies and institutions;
- maximum competitiveness on the market;
- research and innovation in order to improve corporate environmental and economic performance;
- safety through achieving and maintaining certification for the environmental standards attained
The rules taken as organizational, procedural and operating standards were formally institutionalized and drafted into the integrated system manual, which describes the principle of corporate management pursuant to
UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 and UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 and UNI ISO 45001:2018.