Recovery and maximum exploitation of materials in Italy

RMB manages a wide range of incoming and outgoing materials for recovery and maximum exploitation of materials in both economic and environmental terms

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As part of its waste management activities, RMB fully incorporates the spirit of European and national standards, aiming to boost a fall in waste production. In fact, with due dedication and commitment, it carries out the “preparation” of waste for re-use and for all other possible recycling/recovery operation, guaranteeing the protection of the environment and the safety of operators.

All operations performed inside the Platform are directed towards recovery and aim for maximum exploitation of materials in both economic and environmental terms. the main aim of RMB is the separation of all recyclable fractions, especially metals, for the purpose of obtaining SRMs and/or “end of waste” for sale. Although metals continue to generate greater volumes, RMB manages a wide range of incoming and outgoing materials..


hi-tech plants that can separate the different metallic fractions (ferrous and

non-ferrous) contained inside incoming waste.


recovery and recycling of waste, notably metals:

core business of RMB more than 30 years


RMB is registered in the White List as a virtuous company thanks to the Integrated System for Quality, the Code of Ethics, the adoption of the model of organization, management and control of D.L. 231/2001.

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