Management, recovery and disposal metals in Italy

RMB, for re-use, recycling, and any other recovery operation, implements all measures for the recycling of waste by preparing it

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Management of waste and treatable materials
RMB strictly implements all measures for the recycling of waste by preparing it for re-use, recycling, and any other recovery operation.

What makes RMB stand out above the rest is the integrated processing cycle, perfected on the basis of experience from many years of careful, meticulous activities. It also stands out for the dedication with which it pursues the aim of pushing the waste recovery process to the maximum to reduce environmental impact as far as possible.

The different sections of the plant intersect and integrate with one another, performing the meticulous task of separating even the smallest fractions into the material fed into the plant.

Management of waste and treatable materials within the platform follows a complete processing cycle that we can illustrate as follows:

hi-tech plants that can separate the different metallic fractions (ferrous and

non-ferrous) contained inside incoming waste.


recovery and recycling of waste, notably metals:

core business of RMB more than 30 years


RMB is registered in the White List as a virtuous company thanks to the Integrated System for Quality, the Code of Ethics, the adoption of the model of organization, management and control of D.L. 231/2001.

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