The material fed into the system generally consists of bottom ash and slag. With treatment, it is possible to separate mixed metals, irons, ash and inert materials of different grain sizes, for example.
Depending on the product characteristics, said materials may then be:
- sold as Secondary Raw Materials, provided that they meet the relevant product and chemical and physical criteria;
- sent as waste for other definitive recycling/disposal operations by duly authorised external plants;
- sent to other systems within the RMB platform (for example, to the manual screening section to sort the different metals).
This plant too is equipped with a suitable extraction system.
Perfected over the years, this system, to recycle bottom ash processes hundreds of tonnes from waste-to-energy plants all over Italy every week.
The section consists of magnetic belts to separate ferrous metals, rotary screens, systems to separate inert materials from ferrous and non-ferrous metals, and crushing mills.
hi-tech plants that can separate the different metallic fractions (ferrous and
non-ferrous) contained inside incoming waste.
recovery and recycling of waste, notably metals:
core business of RMB more than 30 years
RMB is registered in the White List as a virtuous company thanks to the Integrated System for Quality, the Code of Ethics, the adoption of the model of organization, management and control of D.L. 231/2001.